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Speedline; magnetic conveyor shipping within 24 hours!

Order your magnetic conveyor belt with shipping within 24 hours!

Minimum downtime of your magnet installation? By fast shipping within 24 hours

Eric Telgenkamp
Eric Telgenkamp

May 07, 2024


No long delivery times or want to wait for the magnetic conveyor belt causing long downtime? We guarantee shipping within 24 hours!

Start the request immediately by clicking on the button below.

Why is magnetic conveyor belt speedline possible?

Downtime costs money and in this day and age, we want to be able to serve our customers as quickly as possible so that they have as little downtime as possible. We as LBS strive to find ways to speed up processes and improve customer service. By making the best use of efficiency in all aspects of the business process. From order processing to production and shipping, every part is optimised to minimise lead time. Ship to customers within 24 hours without long delivery times on your magnetic conveyor belts.

Order your magnetic conveyor belt now with 24-hour shipping!

Magneetband 1-1

What are the benefits of Speedline?

Now that we have established why Speedline is possible, let's look at the benefits it offers to our customers:

  1. Faster delivery: The most obvious benefit of Speedline is, of course, faster delivery. Our customers no longer have to wait days or weeks for their order, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  2. Minimising downtime: For companies, Speedline also means minimising downtime in their operational processes. By acting quickly and shipping magnetic conveyor belt orders within 24 hours, they can increase efficiency and maximise productivity.

  3. Efficient inventory management: Speedline also enables our customers to optimise their inventory management. With faster lead times, they can more accurately predict and manage which products should be in stock, saving costs and reducing waste.

What are the conditions for using Speedline?

Our Speedline promotion in combination with magnetic conveyor belts does come with some conditions. You can read these conditions below or in detail on our magnetic conveyor belt speedline page:

  • Endless hot vulcanized
  • Mechanical fastener
  • Up to 10,000 mm endless
  • Up to 1,200 mm belt width
  • Up to 10 cleats
    • Hotcleat®
      • max. cleat height 60 mm
      • max. cleat thickness 30 mm
  • Various belt constructions 



By acting quickly and having our machinery set up to handle these fast orders, we are able to offer our customers this service. In short, the advantages of Speedline are numerous and range from improved customer satisfaction to more efficient operational processes and stock management. 

You can immediately order a magnetic conveyor belt by calling our phone number: +31 (0)591 668 220, our e-mail address: or by filling in the order form.

We aim for 100% customer satisfaction and work closely with our customers to provide customised solutions. Do you have questions about our magnetic conveyor belts or other queries?
Please contact us, our specialists are at your service.

Eric Telgenkamp

Eric is Customer Care, Sales & Marketing Manager at LBS.

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